Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How It All Started - by: Jarrett

Annie and I at Christmas

So, it was getting closer and closer to Christmas and I am trying to decide what I wanted to get Annie for Christmas. It was becoming more and more stressful because I wanted it to be special and something she would enjoy. Just buying her something just wasn’t going to cut it in my book because I wanted it to be memorable. So the hunt began for the perfect present.
I am a musician; I play guitar, piano, bass, and I sing. While preparing to lead music at my church on a sunday night, Annie picked up a friends mandolin and asked me to teach her something. I showed her a few chords and she caught pretty well. She really expressed interest in learning so I decided to get her a mandolin.
I ordered it, the company shipped it to me and it was all great, but it still didn’t accomplish what I want so I went back to the drawing board.
And then it came to me. Because we both are so busy what is the one thing we both lack? Quality time! So how can I give her quality time for Christmas? I first thought about like a gift certificate for something she really wanted to do, but that wasn’t enough. It took me a little and then all of it came at once. What if I make a game out of it? She loves games! I could make different sealed envelopes with the date description on the inside and then when we start our date she can open the envelope and be surprised about where we are going!
So I remember sitting in McDonalds by myself one night with a pad and pen writing down descriptions of dates and before I knew it I had 25 different dates. Many of them were things we have never done before so it will be fun discovering something together.
When she opened her two gifts she was very shocked and was excited about them both. Over time through our youtube, twitter, facebook, and blog you will see how we use them!

You can find us on:



  1. I am honored to be watching at the beginning of the 30 date challenge! I can't wait to see what happens. No pressure! ;)

    We need some more info on you as a couple... Years of marriage. How you met. Ages, maybe. Just a little prospective. This will be great to watch, and fun.

  2. Duh...I just found your FIRST blog post with the background on you as a couple :) Awesome!

  3. haha No worries Dorien, we have been dating for 8 months today :)
