Friday, January 13, 2012

The Rules - Jarrett

Hello everyone, I decided I would post the rules that we are following for the 30 Date Challenge!
Rule #1: No Peeking! Annie cannot see inside the envelope until right before the date. 
The whole idea was a present that has a constant surprise. I wanted to give her a present that she could open right then and would excite her but would continue that process over an extended period.
Rule #2: Annie must tell a few days in advance which envelope she would like to open so I can make preparations for said date.
Rule #3: If for some reason (something serious not because I don’t want to) comes up, we will change the date envelope to another, something we can accomplish with the time allotted without stressing or skipping an integral part.
I am loving this right now. It was so much fun coming up with the dates and writing them all down. I know it will be even more fun actually getting to take her on these dates! We have some really neat stuff up ahead! Living in Myrtle Beach we have some really cool opportunities for different things to do, so stay tuned for alot of fun stuff!
Annie is gonna be out of town for a little while but as soon as she is back, she will be posting to the blog as well so keep a look out for her posts!

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